Scion's Freedom (Siren Publishing Classic) Read online

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  “Witches have something else in their favor. We are all magical creatures, even born vampires. It might be an evolutionary kink in the DNA, but magic is still at the root. No one messes with them because they can manipulate the very essence of our being. To piss off one is to piss off all of them. They believe in karmic debt and would never kill anyone except in self-defense. The repayment for such a thing would be too high. It’s why they’re seldom criminals. But The Burning Times have made them reclusive. They know way more about the world than they tell. We could ask them,” Cassy suggested.

  “We discounted them. They didn’t seem to be targets. It never occurred to us to just ask. That’s a great idea! Only, how do we find any of them to question?”

  “Oh, you don’t question a witch. You request an answer. That is, if you would like to come away with everything in the same place as it was when you started,” she corrected. There was no jest in her tone. She was dead serious. One of her father’s messengers came back once with a toucan’s beak for a nose and feathers growing out of his head. Instead of polite conversation ending in a request for information in exchange for payment, he demanded an answer and referred to the woman as an old hag.

  “Okay. So, how do we find one to request an answer?” He sat back, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

  “That’s easy! We need a crow,” she replied. She downed the rest of her blood and rinsed her cup. David remained in his seat looking at her as if she were crazy.

  “A crow? You mean to tell me we could have had this case wrapped up if we had only talked to the birds? Cap would have asked for a psych evaluation and my badge! Do you know how insane that sounds?”

  “Some people brag they have spies everywhere. Witches really mean it. Crows are highly intelligent and have keen eyes and hearing. They are self-sufficient and loyal. It makes them effective messengers without having to maintain a separate special rookery. Wild birds remain wild. They just have a job. That’s all.” She could see him processing her explanation. The ponderous tension around his eyes made him look older. His lips pressed together into a thin line. Resolve replaced the tension, but it didn’t leave his lips.

  “Fine. Let’s go talk to the birds,” he said.

  “We’ll have to wait until near dawn. They won’t be ready to report back in until then. All that early morning cawing isn’t because they like the sound of their own voice,” Cassy stated.

  “What do you suggest we do until then? I have been through those files till I can’t take anymore for a while.” David’s body language suggested he hoped more reading wasn’t on her agenda. It also told her he was frustrated with the notion of sitting around doing nothing for hours on end.

  “I could use a toothbrush and a shower. Have either of those?”

  She saw his expression change from frustration to mischief. A smile took the place of the tight, thin lips. There was a visible shift in his demeanor. A spark ignited a slow building heat between them. Cassy could feel the bond leap for joy. It demanded they touch. As if on cue, he offered his hand. She took it.

  “Yes, I have both. We even have hot, running water for the shower,” he bragged.

  “Well, let’s go see how long it lasts,” she teased.

  Chapter 9

  David led the way. The bathroom was spacious and very open. The shower reminded Cassy more of a locker room. The walls were tiled floor to ceiling with a shower head sticking out just above head-level. The taps were at the usual height with a soap dish built into the tile work. The floor drain was in the center of the room, and there were no doors or shower curtains. The rest of the room was just as generic. A pedestal sink sat below a mirrored medicine cabinet. Beside it and away from the shower spray was a towel bar. The toilet had a set of shelves above it with towels and washcloths neatly folded. The overhead light was a humming florescent. It gave the whole place a very institutional feel.

  “Not the lap of luxury you’re use to, I’m sure. It functions though. The water is on its own solar heating system. I usually get a good 45 minutes off of it, before…” He stopped speaking. Cassy had removed her shirt and was unfastening her bra. He stared dumbstruck.

  “Are you going to just stand there and stare? Or are you going to strip? I assume you didn’t plan to shower in your clothes,” she teased with a wry smile. She added her jeans to the pile forming on the floor. He still stood there taking in the scene.

  “No panties,” he said when his voice returned.

  “Nope, I hate ‘em,” she repeated in the same tone as she had in the parking deck. The memory flashed in his eye and a half-smile crept into place.

  She freed her hair from the long, chocolate braid. It flowed around her as she shook her head. The tresses tickled her skin and brushed provocatively against her nipples when it swung forward. Her willowy pale frame was covered in a brown mass of waves and curls. The florescent lights made her silvery gray eyes appear duller, a little darker. Only the shadows of her nose and brow gave her face any definition she could see in the mirror over his shoulder. The lighting gave her eyes a hard edge. Stepping toward the shower spray, she looked back but did not turn around.

  She asked over her shoulder, “Are you coming, or am I bathing alone?”

  His movements were slow at first. As he loosened the shirt and pants button, he began working faster. His clothes added to the pile on the floor, creating a mound.

  She turned on the water, allowing it a few moments to warm before stepping into the spray. Before the temperature was adjusted to a comfortable level, the chilly water hardened her nipples. She put her face into the water. The pounding stung at first. It felt good and invigorating. She turned and ran her hands through her long hair to get the water to her scalp.

  Hands moved up her body, starting at her waist. Fingers grazed their way along the outer edge of her breasts before being cupped. A throaty sigh of satisfaction escaped. The fledgling bond pulled harder. He was too far away. She needed his nakedness against the length of hers. Stepping closer, he pressed against her as if they could merge into one being. A small part of her was sad it was not possible. She placed her nose against his chest, breathing in his scent. Her lips pressed to his skin allowed her to feel his heart beat in the kiss. She glanced up to his eyes. The liquid dark-brown had turned nearly black. It was a heady thing to be so close.

  David’s lips brushed along her shoulder and up one side of her neck. Teeth raked across the base of her neck. There was no bite, but it sent a thrill through her as if he had. She could feel something snake its way around the two of them, coiling and constricting. He did not appear to notice. It held them in their embrace and refused to let them step apart. The air around them became warm to the point of being hot. A faint silver glow caught her attention. She tapped his arm. When he glanced up, she pointed to the shimmering halo surrounding them.

  He whispered, “What is that?”

  “I think it’s us, or rather the bond between us. Apparently, sex isn’t the only thing making it stronger. Intimacy seems to be enough. I’ve never seen anything thing like it, but then again, such things are usually done in private,” Cassy replied.

  He reached down and wrapped his arms around her hips, lifting her up. Their faces were finally level. He looked her in the eye for a brief moment before kissing her. The glowing halo tightened into a thin layer riding their skin. It was silky smooth and had a movement of its own. It undulated and swirled around them as if they swam in whatever this metaphysical membrane was. Within its bubble, time seemed to stop.

  David broke free first, lifting his head to gasp. Cassy whimpered at the loss and began kissing his throat. He pulled her head in closer when she nibbled at his throbbing artery. A shiver trilled across his skin. She tried to back off, but his firm grip insisted she stay there. She could have easily brushed him away but did not.

  “You said my first time shouldn’t have been that way. Show me how it should have been,” he said in a rasped whisper.

  “Are you sure? I d
on’t know how bonding will affect things,” she admitted. Part of her wanted to heed her own warning. The rest of her did not care. That part of her needed this reckless moment, needed it like she needed blood. She wanted him in her, flowing through her in some way.

  “Please,” he begged, “please, show me.” He backed against the shower wall. Warm water ran over them in streams and trickling drops. His begging took its toll on her, and she gave in to it.

  Cassy kissed her way along his neck. Wrapping her legs around his waist allowed him to relax his arms more. Twining her fingers in his short dark hair, she eased his head to one side. This stretched his neck, giving her the maximum exposure. She could feel his swelling cock growing against her thigh. She licked the flesh along the base of his throat. Desire was building from deep within her. The desire for flesh wrestled with the need for blood. The lusts became one intense demand. Some portion of him needed to belong to her. He belonged in her.

  Her fangs slid into place with a tiny snick. She pushed her desire for pleasure to the forefront of her mind. The swirling membrane seemed to absorb it, to distribute it over them both. David gave a soft moan and tilted his head a little further in offering. Cassy laid her fangs against his neck and gave a light nudge. The delicate skin parted, and a red trickle began to flow. She clamped her mouth on the opening and sucked hard.

  With the blood came an almost overwhelming flow of emotions, his mixed with hers. It was as if she took life itself from him, his past, his present, and bound him to her future. In an instant, they were no longer themselves but one being. Everything they had and everything they were did not matter. As she took his blood, a sweet, tangy fluid flowed from around her fangs and entered the wound. It produced a very euphoric effect. She could tell he was enjoying the high. She could have ended his life, and he would have gladly given it, been happy about it, even.

  A mouthful more was all she dared take. She cut her tongue with a fang tip and licked the wound. The punctures healed. Only two light red marks were left. She willed her desires to return from the energy flow. Instead of coming back to her, it sank into them both. Their skin looked like moonglow.

  As it did, Cassy felt David’s high. The rush sent her into orgasmic bliss. Wave after wave of passion rode her. She was only vaguely aware they were on the floor. David managed to enter her with the full length of his cock before coming. They lay still as best as they could, not wanting the moment to end.

  Panting, David pushed his way into a kneeling position. Fumbling for the taps, he turned them off just as the water started running cold. He gave a hoarse chuckle and sat back, leaning his head against the wall giddy. Cassy stayed on the floor as the waves dissipated into ripples.

  “I could have died a happy man,” he rasped. “Is it always like this? I mean when you want it to be.”

  “No. This was my first time,” she confessed. “Erica told me how to be a succubus, but I had never tried it. I think the bonding made it stronger.”

  “What is a bonding exactly? What does it do to us?” A hint of apprehension colored his voice.

  “It is a metaphysical tie that links us together. In the same way magnets of opposite poles are drawn together, we are, too. The genetic markers in us recognize each other as kindred spirits. Some part of you must have a magical connection. It has to be in your genetic makeup. There are lots of people who have no idea it’s in their background. It’ll be easy to narrow down the type, though. They would have to be compatible with humans and be born magical,” she explained. He did not seem surprised by the revelation. Relief swept across his face at having an explanation.

  “But that doesn’t tell me what it does, what it means.”

  She lifted herself up to sit facing him.

  “You may feel desperately lost if we are apart for too long. Telling a lie to one another can make you feel dizzy, sick, or give you a headache. The need to touch when we are within reaching distance may be intense or overwhelming. And, if the bond is allowed to finish forming, the destruction of one could lead to the destruction of both. We really would live and die together,” she warned. “Most think the price is too high to pay and never complete the bond. The first steps can happen automatically. The last step has to be done with complete consent. We have to consent to take and give of ourselves to the other.”

  This, too, seemed not to bother him. He was contented with the knowledge. “So, what was the lie you told when we first arrived? You looked sick for a moment. This explains it,” he said.

  “When you said there were enough supplies to keep us going for some time, I agreed. That was a lie. I can get by on blood-based products for a few days, but I have to have fresh human blood. You would be the only available donor. It would be unwise to feed from you often enough to sustain myself. I didn’t want to worry you,” Cassy admitted.

  David just looked at her, comprehension dawning. His mouth made a little O. “I see. I didn’t think about that. We need an exit strategy. I guess we should get ready and see what the birds say then, huh?” He supported himself with the wall, pushing up into a standing position. He staggered back a step but caught himself using the wall as balance. “Do you want some help up?”

  She stretched up her hand. The need for help was not there, but the offer of a touch could not be turned down. He smiled at her acceptance. She could hear his heart beat faster. The pressing together of flesh sent a shot of adrenaline into his system. She enjoyed the scent of it on his hot skin.

  Cassy’s waist-length loose hair took an hour to comb and then rework into a braid. Dressing in a simple T-shirt and jeans, she headed for the entrance door. David caught up to her after digging out a coat and a flashlight. The blast of chilly late November night air made him shiver hard. Cassy giggled and stepped out into the cold.

  Not far from the mine shaft entry was a path leading to a well-logged clearing. Cassy stood along the forest edge scouting for problems. Nothing seemed out of place. She moved to the center of the clearing. David followed her but remained just out of reach. His guard was up. Cassy could see being so unprotected made him nervous.

  Closing her eyes, she lifting her arms up outstretched. It looked as if she were offering to hug the night sky. A faint lightened area off to the east was just beginning to change the sky’s hue. Now was the time crows gathered in number to report back to their mistresses.

  She pushed her will out away from herself searching for a messenger. Nearby, a large murder was gathering. She added to the search a request for a bird to meet her in the clearing. Several wild flutters announced their arrival. She dropped her arms and opened her eyes. More flustered feathers found their way to the meeting. The tree tops were filled with cawing, flapping, agitated black birds.

  “How many did you call?” David sounded both awed and worried by the number of respondents. Pairs of black beads trained on them, watching them in the waning darkness.

  “I didn’t specify. I put out a request. The full murder showed up,” she answered.

  “Murder?” He sounded confused. “I don’t have time for a dead body right now.”

  “Not that kind. A group of crows is called a murder. With these guys, it might not be just a name. This many could do us serious harm. Just remain calm and quiet. This shouldn’t take long,” she reassured in a low voice.

  Lifting her crooked arm, she offered it as a perch. One of the largest crows lit on her forearm closest to her wrist. Its claws dug into her flesh, causing her to drip blood onto the ground. David took a step forward, but she held up her other hand to stop him. The bird leaned in until its sharp beak nearly touched the tip of her nose.

  “I wish to request a meeting with the Council of Crones,” Cassy said to the bird.

  For a moment, the bird tilted its head from side to side in an appraising manner. It rose to an upright position, lifted its head to the sky, and cawed to the tree tops. Hundreds of screeching caws answered. The noise was deafening. As suddenly as it started, the noise stopped. The large bird leaned back
in, nearly touching her nose again. The menacing, large beak opened. Instead of another caw, a harsh, rough voice was heard in its place.

  “Who would make this request of the Council of Crones?”

  “Princess Cassandra, Scion of High Prince Vlad Dracul IV, wishes to request an audience with the council at your earliest convenience,” Cassy said in her best diplomatic tone. She hated being a princess but knew how to play the game. She has been brought up in her father’s court.

  The bird sat quiet so long the sky had begun to push away the inky black with burnished orange. Cassy’s skin was tingling, but she never broke eye contact. She waited for a response. The crow’s beak opened again to speak.

  “You may present yourself to the main gate at our headquarters in Asheville as travel permits. We look forward to seeing you again, Princess Cassandra,” the crow rasped.

  “Thank you,” Cassy replied. “I accept your invitation.” With that, the bird left. In short order, the entire murder flew off in a furious flap of feathers and noise.

  David had stayed quiet throughout the exchange. Cassy turned to see him staring at her with a mixture of fear and curiosity. Face pale, he was looking at her clawed wrist. The cuts were nearly healed and the bleeding had stopped already. There would be no scars. She held it up for him to examine more closely.

  She gave him a reassuring smile. “It looks like we have a road trip to plan. Any ideas on where we might get a vehicle?”

  “I think we should get in before the sky gets any brighter,” he remarked. It was sound advice. Cassy followed him back to the mine.

  Chapter 10

  “We need to rest,” Cassy said as David secured the door. “Tomorrow night we need to be in Asheville. It’s a three-hour drive,” she said rubbing her eyes.

  David nodded and yawned. “I’d sneak back for my car, but everyone knows what I drive.” Cassy stretched and made for the bedroom. She turned to find David headed for the couch. She frowned.